Several weeks ago, the President gave an address on health care. In it, he gave the following statistic:
I’m not sure how much I believe in this stat, but without the time, or the care to do the research I’ve decided not to dwell on it too much. But if anyone wishes to scower it over for accuracy, you can look at it, here.
For weeks that statement has been rolling around in my head. Something about it has been bothering me and today I figured it out. This was my conclusion:
So what?
I don’t want to sound callous or unconcered for people who have real concern about their personal health care. But, I think I can speak to this issue with some authority. See, right now, I don’t have health insurance.
Want to hear my sob story? I got laid off at my job 3 months ago and lost ::shudder:: my health insurance along with 80% of my income. And you know what? I went out, found 2 part time jobs, and I’m slowly making it back. I went almost 3 months without a paycheck, just got my first paycheck in a long time today, actually. Am I living the life of leisure that I once was? No, far from it. I feel like I’m working twice as much for half the pay (both of which are practically true). But you know what? So what? You suck it up, and get over it.
Now before all of you weeping libs with embellished sob stories come running after me, I’m not talking to old people who lose their coverage because of cancer, diabetes, old age, have to go on medicare, or whatever. I’m talking to the “under 21” (well, under 25) crowd here.
It seems to me that you’re as likely to lose your health coverage (if you’re under 21) as you are to get in a car accident “at some point”, have a tooth ache “at some point”, get married “at some point”, get divorced “at some point”, lose a loved one “at some point”, and feel the urge to paint a ceramic cat… Okay then. So, if you are under the age of 21, then you have a 50% chance to experience what it is like to live in the real world, at some piont. Ask your parents if they have ever not had health coverage, heck, ask your grandparents. Ask them what they did?
President Obama continued:
"If you're under the age of 21 today, chances are more than half that you'll find yourself uninsured at some point" over the next decade, Obama said in the address, prepared for radio and Internet broadcast. "And more than one-third of Americans will go without coverage for longer than one year.”
I’m not sure how much I believe in this stat, but without the time, or the care to do the research I’ve decided not to dwell on it too much. But if anyone wishes to scower it over for accuracy, you can look at it, here.
For weeks that statement has been rolling around in my head. Something about it has been bothering me and today I figured it out. This was my conclusion:
So what?
I don’t want to sound callous or unconcered for people who have real concern about their personal health care. But, I think I can speak to this issue with some authority. See, right now, I don’t have health insurance.
Want to hear my sob story? I got laid off at my job 3 months ago and lost ::shudder:: my health insurance along with 80% of my income. And you know what? I went out, found 2 part time jobs, and I’m slowly making it back. I went almost 3 months without a paycheck, just got my first paycheck in a long time today, actually. Am I living the life of leisure that I once was? No, far from it. I feel like I’m working twice as much for half the pay (both of which are practically true). But you know what? So what? You suck it up, and get over it.
Now before all of you weeping libs with embellished sob stories come running after me, I’m not talking to old people who lose their coverage because of cancer, diabetes, old age, have to go on medicare, or whatever. I’m talking to the “under 21” (well, under 25) crowd here.
It seems to me that you’re as likely to lose your health coverage (if you’re under 21) as you are to get in a car accident “at some point”, have a tooth ache “at some point”, get married “at some point”, get divorced “at some point”, lose a loved one “at some point”, and feel the urge to paint a ceramic cat… Okay then. So, if you are under the age of 21, then you have a 50% chance to experience what it is like to live in the real world, at some piont. Ask your parents if they have ever not had health coverage, heck, ask your grandparents. Ask them what they did?
President Obama continued:
"I refuse to allow that future to happen. In the United States of America, no one should have to worry that they'll go without health insurance - not for one year, not for one month, not for one day. And once I sign my health reform plan into law - they won't."Wait, what? With all due respect President Obama:
I. Don’t. Need. You.
I don’t need you to succeed. I don’t need you to pull me up. I don’t need you or your socialist world to be successful. I can do it on my own, without you.
That’s how he’s lying to us, young folks. He’s telling us that we will NEED HIM to make it. Well, ask your parents and grandparents who helped them. It wasn’t socialism, it was good ‘ol American hard work and a lucky break here or there.
Don’t be fooled generations X, Y and Millenials. We don’t need Barack Obama, and a nanny state. We just need a work ethic.
Worrying shows the sign of at least one thing:
And that’s what Barack Obama is trying to take away from us. If he can take away any responsibilty that we have, he can take away our freedom.
With all due respect Mr. President, we don’t need you. I live in a strong and independent generation. We will have more potential to succeed than you ever will because our parents worked for us to have it.
My parents and grandparents worked hard so I wouldn’t need you or anyone else on this earth to succeed. And I believe it would be an insult to their name to act otherwise.So peddle your legislation, scare tactics and your nanny state to some other generation, or better yet, country.
Grace and Peace,
My parents and grandparents worked hard so I wouldn’t need you or anyone else on this earth to succeed. And I believe it would be an insult to their name to act otherwise.So peddle your legislation, scare tactics and your nanny state to some other generation, or better yet, country.
Grace and Peace,
Do you agree that over time the cost of health care has increased due to the expectation of patients having health care?
Do you agree that someone would therefore be at a disadvantage simply because they don't have health care in a system that bases prices on the dealings and negotiations between insurance companies and doctors/hospitals?
"Do you agree that over time the cost of health care has increased due to the expectation of patients having health care?"
My thought is: no. I own a car. Simply owning a car does not increase the cost (gas, repairs, car insurance, etc) of owning that car.
"Do you agree that someone would therefore be at a disadvantage simply because they don't have health care in a system that bases prices on the dealings and negotiations between insurance companies and doctors/hospitals?"
My thought is: no. Anyone can replace the insurance companies by dealing and negotiating with the doctors and hospitals for a better rate. I could see this as a problem with a single ‘source’ in which only one rate is offered. Due to our freedom of choice, I can negotiate a competitive rate among the numerous doctors and hospitals that are available. Just because people are not knowledgeable of this concept does not make it an invalid option.
Meredith’s core concept is self-responsibility and not relying on someone else to do all the work for her. I think Jeremy’s questions help illustrate her point by emphasizing the need for individuals to take responsibility for their own health care needs.
I watched a movie the other night that got me thinking. It was V for Vendetta. If you have not seen this film in a few years, reward yourself again and watch it. I couldn’t help but think our government is not far away from resembling that as depicted in the film. If only there was a major health risk facing our nation today that our government could use to mandate legislation that would eliminate our freedoms…if only…
Walking by a tv, i saw a tagline saying "New Government Rules for Bloggers". Not sure what the story is about, but my first thought is this blog will cease to exist (unless you change the name to 'the leftish observation'
"That’s how he’s lying to us, young folks. He’s telling us that we will NEED HIM to make it. Well, ask your parents and grandparents who helped them. It wasn’t socialism, it was good ‘ol American hard work and a lucky break here or there."
Actually, the 1940s-1950s were built on a few successes:
1. The untold numbers of veterans who did not cling to their own independence, but placing the group good above their own fought and died on beaches in foreign lands.
2. The GI Bill (a government program) that allowed returning veterans to get job training and enter college. This allowed many lower and middle class families who could previously only dream of college to actually attain that dream.
I've never heard him claiming to be a Messiah or that we need him... but I have heard him telling us that we need to unify, work hard, and pull ourselves up by the boots to get things going again - and meanwhile, government will do what it can to help those who are struggling.... kind of like FDR, but I guess you hate him too....
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