"The GOP hasn't offered any solutions to the current crisis..."
That statement is blatantly false and with just a little bit of research on the right sites you can debunk this theory in about 30 seconds.
Throughout this post I'm going to share with you several links that support my claims. You may notice, however, that my links all seem to come from the same "side". Before you get in a tizzy about the bias of my links, let me share some research with you:
I pretty much can tell how much GOP news is being shared on the lib networks by my friends' demonstration of their knowledge of GOP activities. Since all of my lib and "centrists" friends seem to be completely oblivious of any GOP activity related to health care other than tea parties (which actually have very little to do with health care, but that's another blog), I can hypothesize that no one on the major news networks is sharing anything about GOP proposed solutions.
The most aggressive and comprehensive reform I have seen from the GOP is the Empowering Patients First Act, also known as HR 3400. To find a one page synoposis of this proposal, click here. I figured for a journalist to be fully intellectually honest about the GOP health care solutions, they would probably at least put the bill's name somewhere in the article. I decided to test my hypothesis by searching for the phrase Empowering Patients First Act on all the major network news sites using their internal search engine. Below are my results using the "relevance" feature of the search engine.
CNN - Most relevant result was Obama's speech over health care on 7/22
MSNBC - Under "full articles" the most relevant was the "Rachel Maddow Show" talking about Obama's speech on 7/22. Guess what was #2?
NBC - Nothing, their filter was a mess...
ABC - On the main site no results. On the news site the most relevant was a swine flu article.
CBS - A blog about the DNCs solution coming under "opposition." I thought, This looks promising , only to be disappointed. The blog quoted only Democrat officials and had three sentences talking about GOP "concerns" which are not solutions. So, that doesn't count.
Fox News - The first story covered all the proposals given by the GOP as of 9/10 (which is when the article was written). According to that article, the GOP has put up 35 different proposals having to do with some type of health care reform. To see a list of these proposals with accompanying links click here.
So, if the rest of my links in this post are biased, I think you should be able to see why. Complain to the MSM for not doing it's job, not to me.
With all of Pelosi's false promises to "objectively consider reforms from the 'other side' ", she seems to be completely oblivious to their existence. Perhaps one of her staffers should google "GOP health care solutions". That was all I needed (actually, I used bing.com).
Wait, hasn't the President said he would meet with GOP leaders to talk about solutions?
Well, he lied (and I will not apologize for saying so). As of now, the chair of the GOP effort Representative Tom Price, M.D. has sent 3 formal letters to the President asking for a meeting to talk about health care reform. The latest was sent on the 14th. He has received no response from the White House.
How very bipartisan of our President.
This administration in conjuction with the mainstream media has been ignoring any plans/solutions presented by the GOP. Why, you ask? Because it has to be that way.
The administration cannot get their full government run system if the American people know there is any other option. The administration has given us two options:
Do nothing and everyone dies in the streets from swine flu.
Single payor/obamacare/Canadian care/UK care/whatever other name the White House "blog" calls it - system.
My friends, there is more out there and it pains me that you don't know it. I hope you found these links helpful.
If you want to know what I think about the health care situation and my solutions, please see one of my previous blogs.
Do your research on this thing. Know our options and stop saying that the GOP hasn't offered any solutions. That is just a lie from the pit of hell where CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, NBC and this current administration's politics currently reside.
Grace and Peace,
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