Stage Right posts at Big Hollywood and Big Government in anonymity not for professional reasons, but out of deference to his spouse who still maintains deep friendships with many members of the theatrical industry.
NFL Owners Who Use the N-Word and Wet Their Pants On Stage
And now a word from an NFL owner:
“And the game done chose me to bring pain to niggas and pussy holes, they one in the same.” - I’m Real, co-written by Jennifer Lopez, minority owner of the Miami Dolphins.
Amidst the uproar over Rush Limbaugh having to step aside from his participation in the bid to purchase the NFL’s St. Louis Rams over racially insensitive statements he never actually made, is the fact that current ACTUAL owners of an NFL team have said much worse than the false and the left says nothing.
Fergie: NFL Owner
Jennifer Lopez, whose Sondheim-like lyric genius is on display at the top of this post, holds the same status with the Miami Dolphins as Limbaugh would have with the Rams. And, not only does she have co-writer credit on this offensive drivel, she also recorded and performed it live. She continues to earn money in royalties for her genius use of the “N-Word.” My guess is that those who took issue with Limbaugh’s imaginary racial slur are OK with J-Lo’s actual racial slur because she looks a lot better in tight pants.
Meanwhile, another minority owner of the Dolphins has some controversial issues with public statements as well. Recently, Dolphins minority owner Serena Williams broke quite a few FCC laws by letting loose an “F-word” filled tirade on live television during the US Open. Then she menacingly threatened a side judge and was subsequently disqualified. This kind of behavior and speech seems to be right in line with the NFL’s standards since I missed the press conference from Commissioner Roger Goodell condemning it.
Finally, we get to Fergie, some-time member of the Black Eyed Peas and some-time solo artist. You betcha, she has also been approved as a minority owner of the Miami Dolphins. Fergie is a huge Obama supporter, so I guess the NFL thought it was pretty cool that she just performed her song “Glamorous” at the White House Easter egg hunt… an event for children. Here’s how the DC Examiner reported the event:
Lines like “wear them gold and diamond rings” and “I’m not clean, I’m not pristine” may not be the dream lyrics for their daughters to emulate, but the song’s repetition of the line “If you ain’t got no money take your broke a** home” made a few parents cringe. She did of course edit the curse word from the song Monday — but some of crowd members helpfully filled it in for her.
It gets better. Earlier this week, Goodell said of Limbaugh’s potential ownership, “Divisive comments are not what the NFL is all about.” Is he splitting hairs between “comments” and “lyrics?” Because these lyrics from a 2003 Black Eyed Peas song sounds pretty divisive to me:
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism
But we still got terrorists here livin’
In the USA, the big CIA …
A war is goin’ on but the reason’s undercover
The truth is kept secret, it’s swept under the rug
Nothing like accusing the CIA of terrorism and our government of lying to bring people together. Goodell also said, “We’re all held to a high standard here.”
Really? Does this meet his high standard?
Whatcha gonna do with all that junk
All that junk inside your trunk
I’ma get get get get you drunk
Get you love drunk off my hump
My hump my hump my hump my hump my hump
My hump my hump my hump my lovely little lumps
How about drinking so much that you wet your pants, mid-song, on stage, in front of a live audience?
This week the NFL did more to silence conservative political perspectives on the radio then liberals and their “Fairness Doctrine” could ever dream of doing. By bowing to shrill political pressure they forced a group of potential buyers of the St. Louis Rams, headed by Dave Checkett, to drop Rush Limbaugh from the ownership team. Forget for a moment that the heinous statements attributed to Limbaugh were never sourced or substantiated and completely false. Also forget that Limbaugh, as a minority owner, would have no actual control or real influence over personnel or management decisions with the team. None of that matters.
The left hates Limbaugh. He had to be stopped.
But Rush will be just fine. They can’t shut him up; he’s too big. And even if they do pass the “Fairness Doctrine,” he will move to satellite radio and finally give Mel Karmazin a healthy balance sheet.
No, the real danger in all of this is the chilling effect it has on the rest of the conservative world. Those of us articulating our points of view and trying to persuade others. Just like Rush has done for over two decades. And now, the seed has been planted. Someday, we might want to own a football team. Hell, we’re capitalists! Will something we say or write now be twisted around or even made up to smear us and keep us from fulfilling our dream?
Yes, the seed has been planted. They’ve done what the intended to do. It wasn’t about stopping Rush… it was done to stop all of us. And they will lie if they have to, to get what they want.
Change? Yes. Hope? Not so much.*
*I inserted that link, not the author.
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