So I’m just laying here enjoying h1n1, watching t.v., and catching up on news. I find myself almost feeling sorry for liberals...almost.
They get this joker elected, the star of their A-Team. He was going to make the world instantly love us.
He was going to care for all the down-trodden and needy without raising taxes on the middle class.
He was the new messiah...
…And he's only been moving from one failure to the next, starting with his appointments and ending with his current flame out at the Olympics decision.
"Never before in modern history had a U.S. President needlessly put so much prestige on the line in front of the world community and been so roundly rejected."
Thanks liberals. He's the greatest gift you could have ever given to the Republican party, and the greatest curse you could have given to the American people.

"Never before in modern history had a U.S. President needlessly put so much prestige on the line in front of the world community and been so roundly rejected."
And the Nobel Peace Prize isn't prestigious or anything?
He hadn't received the Nobel prize when this was posted. Also, the President said that he didn't deserve the Nobel. A sentiment that is shared by just about everyone on both sides of the isle.
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