Exactly what I wanted to hear. Nothing like a good terrorist threat to turn even the most liberal of presidents into Republican war mongers. It was funny to watch the leftist blogs blow up about how Obama is turning into Bush's third term.
If only.
But have these precautions been working? Not yet. It was reported today that a man on the "do not board" list with TB was allowed on to a six hour flight. He was detained at the next airport and taken to a hospital.
When TSA was asked how this man was allowed past the security checkpoints they blamed the airlines. The airlines blamed TSA. Yes, it's the airline's fault. They have the right to not sell a ticket to a guy on the "no board" list. However, TSA is our last defense against these people who are not allowed to fly, whether it be because they are suspected terrorists with no passports, or because they are diseased in such a way that it endangers everyone on the flight.
Apparently, those processes that Obama announced have not gone into effect yet. However, should Obama have given that much information to the public? He told not only the American people but all of our enemies the exact flaws in our system. He also told them the exact measures he was going to take to correct those flaws. There are so many things that Bush did or did not do during his presidency that I made me ask "why did/didn't you do this?" But now seeing Obama do these things (or not doing them) I am seeing the wisdom of Bush.

For instance, it would drive me nuts that Bush would not engage the radically biased media. They would literally call for his beheading in the streets, attack his daughters, his wife, marriage, and his intelligence. All he ever gave in return was a shrug of the shoulders and silence. It drove me nuts that he would not dispel rumors or call the media's obvious bluffs. But now that we have a President that calls a press conference every time his feelings get a little hurt, it makes him look like a cry baby. Bush did the right thing, Obama acts like a 12 yr old.
And now we have Obama giving lots of information to the American people about our failures in the national security process, specifically in regards to our flight security. It was frustrating under Bush when we never really knew what exact processes were going on to correct the problems in our security systems. But now hearing Obama list things out in such detail in the name of "transparency" (and we all know how much that word means to the current administration), it makes me cringe thinking that the terrorists have the same access to the information that the President of the United States just told me.
As of now, the policies of this current administration are not working, national security and healthcare being the most significant examples. Hopefully a little wisdom from the Bush administration will some how find its way to the current administration.
Let me be one of the first to say, I miss Bush.
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